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ASP.NET Web Application Sample Source Code Demo
Purposes: Create table, input and view data from database via ASP.NET Web Application(VB) using iosc.dll. iosc.dll is customize class to speed up repeat function or procedure.

IndexSample source code with demo

Download iosc.dll

2 Create new database (Microsoft SQLExpress 2014).
3 Create new project using Microsoft Visual Studio.
4 Add Reference.
5 Add database connection in web.config and copy&paste the following.
6 View in Code of Tablesetup.aspx - To create table and column and copy&paste the following to Page_Load.
7 View in Design of Webform1.aspx - Add gridview, textbox and button and copy&paste the following.
8 View in Code of Webform1.aspx - Add, edit and display data by copy&paste the following.